Heading into September!
While summer is not officially over, most mornings and evenings feel much cooler than the dog days of July and for that I am so thankful! July makes most farmers I know want to throw in the towel a couple of times…This summer especially, given the extreme lack of rain which = more work keeping plants alive. The weeds seem to thrive in July and the field feels like its slowly being enveloped by towering amaranth (the bad kind), grasses (the bad kinds), and tangling vines (the bad kinds). I seem to forget every year how important it is to cut down rows of spent blooms because something always takes precedence. I’m spending this week with heavy duty weed wackers and LOTS of piles to move!
Every year I set goals for the farm and this year included drying more flowers, growing more strawflower, saving more seed from the most special and beautiful zinnias (I’m looking at you, Dawn Creek Farm!) and growing more cosmos (always more cosmos!!!) You can read more about the varieties I love below, but first, let’s talk about one last goal that is about to come to fruition!
I have been dreaming of hosting a workshop on the farm for about 10 years (seriously) and this October it’s coming true in the form of a bundle dying workshop with Kristin Arzt. Kristin is a natural dyer, educator, gardener and designer and I am certain it will be a FUN day to remember. You can read more about it and sign up here. I hope you will consider joining us this October! (photos below used with permission from Kristin Arzt).
The strawflower has been going strong since June and gets added to almost every bouquet that leaves the farm…I’m expecially in love with Raspberry Rose which hopefully will be back in stock soon at Johnny’s! All of these varieties dry with no color loss. Very excited to use them in wreath work this fall!
My cosmos have been much slower than all of the other heat lovers this fall but they are looking good heading into wedding season. Every year I fall more in love with cosmos - they are the cheeriest and most whimsical additions to a bouquet and they really dance in the garden. My favorite white is “Afternoon White”, which is similar to Versailles. Next season I plan to try Fizzy White after seeing Madgie’s lovely blooms at M & M Plants. I also love the Cupcake series and have some in blush planted and starting to bud…While the Double Click series is full of lovely colors and texture, I find their heads very droopy and didn’t grow them this season - Definitely missed Bicolor Purple and Rose Bon Bon so will probably bring them back in small numbers next year but these other varieties really beat the double clicks in terms of stem strength and make a lot more sense for my customers.
Afternoon White Cosmos
A new addition to the field this season was Apricotta and it has been very popular! I love the variation in coloring and the fun centers some of them have, I just wish the stems were stronger. Will def. grow again!
The Dawn Creek Farm zinnias are incredibly lovely - Really perfect for wedding work but also lovely planted en masse. The colors all play nicely together and I feel comfortable selling them as a mix (not something I usually do). I saved seed last year with mixed results - overall I have been very happy with that selection and will do it again this year. I am learning when it comes to seed saving - I try to isolate the colors I like by using organza bags and will do a better job of marking them this season so I know what colors I hope to save (come February the bags of seeds all look the same, with no clues left behind as to color!) I am so excited to continue to cheer the Dawn Creek crew on and support them by donating to buy seeds from them every year as well. You can too!
Dawn Creek Farm zinnias grown at Belle Blooms Farm
The dahlias usually take center stage in the fall and I will for sure be documenting the new and returning favorites in my field to share here. Thanks as always for reading and supporting the farm! It means a lot!
P.S. - Did you know I have a small Etsy shop? Planning to add more items in the coming months - Anything you want to see offered? I’m all ears!
P.P.S. - Offering grab and go bouquets this Saturday at the farm! Headed to a cookout for Labor Day? Don’t go empty handed!