Blooms - Just around the corner?
While it may not look like it outside today, blooms really are on their way and we cannot wait to be swimming in them. I was asked recently what the hardest part of my job is and while SO MUCH of farming is hard, one of the biggest challenges is the partnership with Mother Nature. It is a constant push and pull, every day I am reminded that I really have very little control over the environment in which I grow. And that is so hard to learn over and over (and over) again, especially for a control freak. Just when you think you've gotten it, you get hit with a late March spring snowstorm. I keep reminding myself that 80 + 90 degree days are, literally, just around the corner :) Also, the snow is quite lovely, and has given me the opportunity to catch up on data entry, baking (a lemon bundt cake AND French bread! Thankfully I ran out of flour...) and romping with the dogs...
Hope to have some progress shots for you soon as we clean up the perennial garden and the big field, begin to divide the dahlias in storage, and, hopefully begin to see some real growth on the ranunculus and hardy annuals once the snow melts...
Speaking of garden cleanup - Here is a lovely article I wanted to share about the benefits of NOT cleaning up at the end of your season. I actually find clean-up easier to deal with in the spring, when I am eager to get back into the dirt after a long cold winter, and I love having a garden full of wild birds in every season. Just something to think about!
Happy shoveling :)